We know that working class, undocumented, unhoused, disabled, elderly, immuno-compromised, and low-income community members will suffer the worst impacts of this ongoing pandemic—and that our physical distance from one another will pose new challenges to our organizing in the months ahead.
Now, more than ever, our immigrant and refugee families need your help with getting them the right information and resources on COVID-19.
In the coming weeks, APEN will be leading a volunteer phonebanking effort to provide up- to-date information and connect our communities to local resources.
Sign up below to find out more about how to phonebank from home to get information about the COVID-19 pandemic to those who need it most.
To phonebank with APEN from home, you will need three things: a laptop, a smartphone, and reliable internet service. Volunteers who speak Mandarin, Cantonese, Lao, Khmu, and Mien are strongly encouraged to sign up.
Phonebanking began in early April, and phonebankers will be expected to commit to at least 2 hours per week. We will provide the tech tools and training you need to get plugged in right away.
Sign up below and we’ll follow up with more information. Thank you so much for standing with APEN’s communities in this challenging moment.