
11 years ago, the Chevron refinery exploded. It wasn’t a surprise.

by | Aug 7, 2023

The first fire

Sandy’s family, circa 1985. Sandy’s grandmother sits in the middle of Sandy’s mother, siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins, holding Sandy (center, pink shoes) in her lap.

Sandy’s family, circa 1985. Sandy’s grandmother sits in the middle of Sandy’s mother, siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins, holding Sandy (center, pink shoes) in her lap.

A punch in the gut

Photo of members of the Asian Youth Advocates (AYA) members from 2005. Sandy is center in the pink two-piece suit, looking extremely cool.

Photo of members of the Asian Youth Advocates (AYA) members from 2005. Sandy is center in the pink two-piece suit, looking extremely cool.

Chevron can’t buy our silence

Sandy Saeteurn holds a microphone and addresses a crowd.

Sandy leads a toxic tour for the 2023 APEN youth academy.