The time is now to #ReclaimOurPower! For years, our communities have borne the brunt of a corporate utility that values profit over our lives. Together, we are fighting to put an end to the power shutoffs, fires, multibillion-dollar bailouts for investors and skyrocketing electric bills for the rest of us.
We are excited to announce that APEN is helping to launch a new initiative: the #ReclaimOurPower Utility Justice Campaign. #ReclaimOurPower is organizing to build a safe, reliable, worker and community-owned energy infrastructure that benefits everyone in California, especially the people most harmed by PG&E. Our campaign is led by some of the strongest environmental justice and energy democracy organizations in California—and we need your help.
Will you join APEN in calling Governor Newsom today and demanding he meet with our campaign?
Governor Newsom’s Phone #: (916) 445-2841
Hi, my name is _____, and I’m calling to encourage the Governor to meet with the Reclaim Our Power: Utility Justice Campaign and put the communities most impacted at the center of making decisions about the state’s energy future—including a safe, reliable, community- and worker-owned energy system that reinvests in local communities and is resilient through climate change.