
After 3 long years of organizing, our members and allies won caps on refinery pollution!

On the same day Trump pulls our country out of the Paris Climate agreement, our members and allies lead the world with our historic victory. Because of our organizing and the boldness of our members to raise their voices, Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) passed a motion that adopts Greenhouse Gas (GHG) caps–a historic cap on refinery pollution! Bay Area refineries will not be able to bring Tar Sands or other extreme and heavy crudes. We will all breathe easier with healthier and cleaner air. We will protect our bodies and our planet.

This cap puts us on a path to winning the strongest and most ambitious caps on refinery pollution in the world. The leadership of our Richmond members and partners, on the frontlines of poverty, racism, and refinery pollution, has made all the difference.

Our work is not done yet–in September, we’ll make sure that BAAQMD approves rules capping Particulate Matter and Toxic Air Contaminants. Stay Tuned!

For more background on this victory and to hear from our members, check out this story on KPFA: Historic vote could freeze Bay Area refinery emissions levels