The election results are in! Oakland voters were clear: We need Measure JJ!  Measure JJ wins by over 70%

The Committee to Protect Oakland Renters thanks all of our amazing supporters and volunteers for making this victory possible! Many of you were with us from the beginning; collecting signatures and spending late nights at City Council meetings.; We are grateful to Councilmembers Rebecca Kaplan, Desley Brooks and Noel Gallo who fought for this measure from the beginning;  and to Oakland community who showed up to the polls  declaring that we need Measure JJ to stem displacement and the housing crisis!

This victory is years in the making as our broad coalition of housing advocates, labor measure-jj-committeeunions, community organizations, and faith communities came together to find a solution that works.  Measure JJ wouldn’t have been possible without the dedication of our Coordinating Committee: ACCE, APEN, Causa Justa :: Just Cause, EBASE, EBHO, Oakland Tenants Union, PolicyLink, SEIU Local 1021, SEIU Local 2015, California Nurses Association

Throughout the year, we were persistent and relentless in calling for stronger renter protections. We collected signatures, made calls, met with Council members, sent letters, knocked on doors, collected research and shared powerful testimony.  Proof that passionate, grassroots organizing works and that together, our community, can make a big impact.

This victory is the pulse of everyday people. People like you who got involved, talked with  your families and neighbors, shared events on your social media pages, walked the streets with us, and helped get the word out.

We heard from people like Franki Velez, a D2 resident, mom, paralegal student, and military veteran who said:  

“I think the … initiative is totally important. I’m a disabled combat veteran and fought for this country … I deserve a decent place to live. “

And we heard from Sayuri Sakamoto, a D5 resident, public school teacher for 17 years: 

“Teachers need a place to live. .. all districts are desperate to hire teachers and one of the things that deters teachers from moving to certain place to teach is whether they can afford to live there.”

We heard from city workers, service and social workers, nurses, teachers, students, img_0009parents, clergy, elders, and young people alike. It is this passion for our communities, for our diversity, and for housing justice that inspired us all to support Measure JJ and push it over the top.

And we can’t say enough that people power won Oakland this measure.

While Election Day is over, the struggle for anti-displacement measures and stronger renter protections continues. Measure JJ is but one solution to the current housing crisis, and we need to ensure Oakland remains a city for all of us, including long-time Black residents, immigrant families, and poor working class families.

We’ll need your help to ensure full implementation of Measure JJ and statewide advocacy to reform antiquated state laws that limit rent control.

Protecting Oakland Renters, Measure JJ, isn’t just a ballot initiative, it’s a movement. Let’s keep it going and keep it growing.  Will you join us?

Five other Bay Area cities also got the opportunity to vote on similar local renter rights measures and an overwhelming majority (include #s here) of Bay Area voters demanded stronger protections for renters. Regulation of rent are needed to prevent uprooting families from their hometowns.

Once again thank you to all our supporters, we really couldn’t have gotten this victory without you.

 With gratitude and appreciation,

 The Committee to Protect Oakland Renters Coordinating Committee