
What we won this year – and what comes next

by | Dec 8, 2022

In 2022, our communities came together and demanded justice. Together, we won real changes for neighborhoods like ours throughout California and the world.

In 2022, we turned out to the ballot box in Oakland and Richmond, winning local ballot measures that will support small businesses, invest in community resilience, and keep people in their homes.

Across the state, thousands of people joined us in demanding a #FutureBeyondOil by calling the Governor, emailing state regulators, and rallying in Sacramento and Richmond. We are on the verge of winning a climate blueprint for California that will stop the expansion of dirty gas power plants, create targets for more mass transit for all, and plan for a coordinated phaseout of oil extraction and refining in California. 

Protestors hold signs in front of a banner in Richmond. Image courtesy of Joyce Xi, Survival Media

Image courtesy of Joyce Xi, Survival Media Agency

Lastly, our communities will benefit from billions of dollars in state and federal budget investments to create resilience hubs and healthy and resilient homes – including a $2 million federal investment in Lincoln Recreation Center, right here in Oakland Chinatown.

How did we do it? Deep, grassroots organizing and leadership development – made possible by donors and supporters like you. We held our first ever APEN Academy 301 in Oakland this year – the third step of our organizing and political education academy that trains members to organize their communities for change. At the same time, we are expanding to a new base in Los Angeles and growing our power with young people and working-age adults in Richmond.

We need your help to continue expanding our grassroots organizing in 2023 – and winning real change for our communities. Please consider investing in APEN by making a donation by the end of the year.