by Shina Robinson | Dec 7, 2023 | Climate Resilience, Oakland, Power to the Frontlines, SOMAH, Stories
Two pieces of very good news As world leaders at COP28 debate corporate schemes to keep burning fossil fuels, APEN is fighting for climate change solutions led by communities on the frontlines of climate disaster. This year, solutions that our communities have dreamed...
by Shina Robinson | Apr 11, 2023 | Power to the Frontlines, SOMAH
It’s been impossible to ignore soaring energy costs this winter. Families across California saw home energy bills reach $300, $500, even $900, adding to the financial stress that people are already experiencing due to rising inflation, housing costs, and lasting...
by Shina Robinson | Sep 30, 2022 | Power to the Frontlines, SOMAH
Background The cost of living in California is sky high. Choosing which costs to prioritize adds to the financial pressures that many of us face. These priorities vary from household to household, but a common concern is rising utility costs. While the state is...
by Ayesha Abbasi | Feb 1, 2022 | Power to the Frontlines, SOMAH
The Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing (SOMAH) program is uniquely designed to prioritize tenant benefits and opportunities. Unlike similar iterations of previous programs, at least fifty-one percent of the solar energy system must serve tenant energy needs, and...
by TEAM APEN | Feb 12, 2020 | Events, Power to the Frontlines, Statewide, Stories
The time is now to #ReclaimOurPower! For years, our communities have borne the brunt of a corporate utility that values profit over our lives. Together, we are fighting to put an end to the power shutoffs, fires, multibillion-dollar bailouts for investors and...
by TEAM APEN | May 9, 2019 | Mobilizing the Power of Asian Voters, Power to the Frontlines, Statewide, Stories
APEN Richmond Youth Leaders at the Solidarity to Solutions Summit. Photo by Megan Zapanta. The state capitol is not that far away, but sometimes, it feels like another planet — especially now that bills are entering Appropriations, one of the least transparent parts...